Contact Fire Mitigation Project Management About

Wildfire Mitigation Services

Lost Ranger provides consultation and wildfire mitigation services to minimize the impact that a wildfire can have on a home, property, community, and forest system. Wildfire mitigation involves fuel reduction, the creation of defensible space around your home or structure, and reducing structural ignitability.

Home Ignition Zone Services

The Home Ignition Zone (HIZ) includes the home and the 100+ feet of space surrounding it. Lost Ranger offers HIZ assessments and mitigation services so that you can understand how to protect your home and create quality defensible space.

Forest Health and Land Stewardship Services

Ecological assessments, prescriptions, and treatment services to improve the vegetative health of a property. Services support the creation of a disease-free system with improved composition, wildfire resilience, and wildlife habitat, while maintaining scenic values.

Services Include:

  • Forest health assessments
  • Removal of dead and diseased trees
  • Forest composition improvement
  • Creation of fire breaks
  • Vegetation management for wildlife
  • Pile Burning

Project Management Services

Successful execution of fire mitigation and forest health projects requires time, diligence, and expertise. The Lost Ranger team has the experience and resources to assist you in meeting your management objectives.

  • Project scoping and management
  • Grant funding application and administration services
  • Homeowners Association project planning and natural resource management
  • Contractor management

About Lost Ranger

Lost Ranger Wildfire Mitigation Services was established in 2022 to bring low-impact wildfire mitigation and forest health solutions to the western slope. We strive to create greater connectivity between funders, land managers, and property owners managing wildfire mitigation projects. Founders Sally Ross and Amber Pougiales bring expertise in wildland firefighting, non-profit administration and grant writing, conservation, and project management. We provide full-service wildfire mitigation and natural resource project management solutions.