Contact Fire Mitigation Project Management About

Home Ignition Zone Treatments

A HIZ assessment evaluates the vulnerability of your home and property to wildfire and ember-ignition. Lost Ranger uses criteria compiled by emergency and wildfire professionals to provide recommendations for your home. During the assessment, Lost Ranger will review defensible space and home hardening principals while taking into consideration your personal objectives, budget, and timeline. Lost Ranger will provide a comprehensive report that offers photo documentation, specific recommendations for your property, and additional resources pertaining to the HIZ.

With approval of the landowner, Lost Ranger will upload findings to the Routt County (or equivalent) emergency management system.

Once a HIZ assessment has been completed, you may want additional support in taking proactive steps to minimize the ignitability of your home or to reduce the fuel on your property. Lost Ranger offers a variety of mitigation and project management services to help you defend your home and property.

Schedule An Assessment Today

(828) 545-7692